
Under the Seas of Vodari - Aquatic Adventuring for 5e

Created by Tribality Publishing

Dive into a world full of action and adventure set beneath the waves of Vodari or your own 5th Edition campaign world.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Hunt for the Undine - v1.0 Released
5 months ago – Mon, Sep 30, 2024 at 06:45:50 PM

Our final stretch goal for our Under the Seas of Vodari Kickstarter campaign is complete and delivered! The Hunt for the Undine adventure has been sent out to everyone who backed us during our Kickstarter campaign via Backerkit. Thank your for your support during our campaign and patience waiting for this extra.

For everyone else, the adventure will be available on DriveThruRPG and our store soon.

If you have any issues accessing your copy of The Hunt for the Undine, please email [email protected].

The Hunt for the Undine Update
5 months ago – Sat, Sep 14, 2024 at 11:48:09 AM

Here is a quick update on the The Hunt for the Undine. The adventure is with layout and we're on target to send it out by the end of this month (September 2024)

  • Editing - complete 
  • Artwork - complete 
  • Maps - complete
  • Layout - 25%

About the Adventure

As the shadow of war threatens Vodari, the race is on to find a famous undersea vessel, the Undine. Its secrets prove greater and stranger than anyone expected.

“The Hunt for the Undine” is an undersea adventure for four 5th-level characters. The adventure is set in Vodari's undersea world and uses factions from around Vodari, but can be run in any setting with modest changes. This adventure emphasizes the impact that the worlds above and below the waves have on each other, and characters from above or below the waves can participate in this adventure.

Vodari Patreon is Live and "The Hunt for the Undine" Update
9 months ago – Sat, Jun 01, 2024 at 09:44:41 AM

Aquilo battles a mechanical croc


As the shadow of war threatens Vodari, the race is on to find a famous undersea vessel, the Undine. Its secrets prove greater and stranger than anyone expected.

“The Hunt for the Undine” is an undersea adventure for four 5th-level characters. The adventure is set in Vodari's undersea world and uses factions from around Vodari, but can be run in any setting with modest changes. This adventure emphasizes the impact that the worlds above and below the waves have on each other, and characters from above or below the waves can participate in this adventure.

Here is a quick update on the The Hunt for the Undine:

  • Editing - complete 
  • Artwork - 75%  
  • Maps - complete
  • We're still on target for a Q3 2024 release
  • Early Access backers will be sent a rough draft copy of the adventure today with placeholder maps (sorry for the delay)


As we wind down this Kickstarter this year, we wanted to be able to continue providing new and exciting material for the Vodari setting. Become a patron and each month you'll receive a copy of the latest issue of Vodari Voyages.

Join our Patreon now by visiting:

On June 15th, 2024 all our our paid members will receive a copy of our first issue of Vodari Voyages. In this issue,you’ll find everything you need to visit the city of Lor'thak, Ghak and run the adventure, including:

  • A mini-gazetteer for Lor’thak, which provides a city map and details for key locations and NPCs
  • “The Goblin King’s Vault” adventure tailored for four 5th level PCs

Each issue of Vodari Voyages will include a mix of the following content:

  • new locations to visit (undiscovered islands, undersea ruins, etc.)
  • expanded details for existing settlements and locations
  • player options (species, subclasses, backgrounds, feats, spells, etc.)
  • encounter scenarios and short adventures
  • new magic items, equipment, and treasure
  • monster/NPC descriptions and stat blocks
  • vehicles and crews
  • rules and advice for gamemasters

Vodari Patreon and "The Hunt for the Undine" Updates
10 months ago – Fri, Apr 05, 2024 at 08:59:25 AM

It's been a while since I sent out an update to backers. That doesn't mean we haven't been working on Vodari content....


We want to continue providing new and exciting material for the Vodari setting. For those of you who become a patron, you'll receive a copy of the latest issue of Vodari Voyages. For our first issue, we're targeting a release date of June 2024. 

Visit our Pateon to join the waitlist:

Each month patrons will receive a mix of the following content:

  • Details for new locations to visit (undiscovered islands, undersea ruins, etc.)
  • Gazetteers with expanded details for existing settlements
  • Player options (species, subclasses, backgrounds, feats, spells, etc.)
  • Encounter scenarios and short adventures
  • New magic items, equipment, and treasure
  • Monster/NPC descriptions and stat blocks
  • Vehicles and crews
  • Rules and advice for gamemasters
  • Polls to vote on future content direction
  • And more...


As the shadow of war threatens Vodari, the race is on to find a famous undersea vessel, the Undine. Its secrets prove greater and stranger than anyone expected.

“The Hunt for the Undine” is an undersea adventure for four 5th-level characters. The adventure is set in Vodari's undersea world and uses factions from around Vodari, but can be run in any setting with modest changes. This adventure emphasizes the impact that the worlds above and below the waves have on each other, and characters from above or below the waves can participate in this adventure.

  • Writing is complete! 
  • The adventure is around the same word count as the "Sunken City of Zuroth".
  • We're currently deep into editing and starting to commission artwork. 
  • I don't have a solid release date to announce, but we're targeting a Q3 2024 release.
  • Early Access backers will be sent a rough draft copy of the adventure with placeholder maps later this month (April 2024).
  • I'll share some artwork once we have a cover and some interior artwork.

July 2023 Update
over 1 year ago – Tue, Jul 04, 2023 at 08:31:57 AM

Shipping Complete!

Thank you for your patience over the past few months. We still have a handful of backers whose orders are incomplete that we're trying to reach (see below). Everyone else has already received their book or its on the way. 

At the time of writing this update:

  • Nearly 750 packages have been delivered
  • Another 200 are currently in transit
  • Any remaining Canadian and US packages should arrive this week
  • Some international orders have arrived and nearly everyone else should get their packages this summer

Shipping Trackers

Nearly every package we sent out was sent out with a shipping tracker. The following exceptions were made due to tracked shipping costs being more than the order itself:

  • Heavy orders to the UK with two or more books
  • Some orders to Australia, EU, Singapore, Indonesia, and Argentina

If you are from any of these areas and want to confirm your shipment was sent, please email [email protected].

Incomplete Orders

We still have a handful of backers who we're trying to reach whose orders have an incomplete survey, bad address, or are missing payment for shipping. If you want to confirm that your order was complete please email [email protected].

Old Address

We've had a small handful of US orders come back with an out of date address. We'll reach out to these customers this week to try to figure out an alternative arrangement.

The Hunt for the Undine (PDF)

We're deep into writing this stretch goal adventure. We're hoping to have it move into artwork and layout this summer and then into distribution this fall. We'll keep everyone updated with progress, art previews, and solid dates as we get closer to release.

Vodari Voyages Patreon

Now the shipping is completed, the team is going to get back to developing new and exciting material for the Vodari setting. Visit our Patreon waitlist page and sign-up to be notified when our Patreon launches later this year.

Each issue of Vodari Voyages will include a mix of the following content:

  • new player options (subclasses, backgrounds, feats, spells, etc.)
  • updates for existing player options to match official D&D changes in 2024
  • encounter scenarios and short adventures
  • magic items and treasure
  • monster and NPC descriptions and stat blocks
  • vehicles and crews
  • rules and advice for gamemasters
  • expanded details for existing settlements and locations
  • new locations to visit (undiscovered islands, undersea ruins, etc.)

Rewards Fulfillment Update

Digital Rewards - Fulfilled

  • Undersea World Map
  • Under the Seas of Vodari Quickstart
  • Undersea Character Sheets
  • Undersea Digital Character Art & Tokens
  • Undersea Digital Map Pack
  • Undersea Pre-Gen Character Sheets
  • Under the Seas of Vodari (PDF and low-ink PDF) v1.1
  • Hero's Guide to Vodari v1.2 (PDF)

Physical Rewards - Fulfilled

  • The Seas of Vodari Hardcover
  • Under the Seas of Vodari Hardcover
  • World Maps, Posters, Stickers, and Thank You Cards

Digital Rewards - In Development

  • The Hunt for the Undine - Stretch Goal Adventure (PDF)