Under the Seas of Vodari - Aquatic Adventuring for 5e
Created by Tribality Publishing
Dive into a world full of action and adventure set beneath the waves of Vodari or your own 5th Edition campaign world.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Development Update - Undersea People & Player Options Additions/Changes
almost 4 years ago
– Thu, May 13, 2021 at 12:27:15 PM
Hi everyone,
I wanted to share some details of what we've been working on for undersea characters. We made numerous changes based on our own review and your survey feedback (thanks!)... plus lots of minor tweaks and typo fixes. You'll see some content related to Vodari's Ancients below, which I hope everyone is excited about. Here are the main highlights of what we've been working on.
Chapter III - The Undersea People
ANCIENTS (NEW): We added this stretch goal to the chapter. The Ancients are descended from near-divine beings who constructed a highly advanced civilization using magic. War and eons of living in vastly different oceanic zones split the ancients into two people, the Dakri and Varu. The Dakri rely on stealth and speed, embracing the darkness and cold of the deeps. The Varu use their wits and innate magic to honor Taeva and seek to restore the past greatness of their civilization.
ELVES: In the survey, some of you asked for racial stats for sea elves. We added subrace traits for Sunswimmer and Deepdiver elves, which differ from the official Fifth Edition sea elf option and provide greater variety with two undersea options for elves.
HALF-ELVES: We added a Vodari specific trait for half-elves to substitute for the Skill Versatility trait. The new Aquatic Heritage trait provides a swimming speed of 30 feet and the ability to breathe air and water.
ABILITY SCORE INCREASE: We added a sidebar box with info for using the optional alternative rules for Ability Score Increases that allows players to pick whatever stats they want versus using those listed in the racial traits. All of the undersea racial options still include an Ability Score Increase trait.
RACIAL TRAITS UPDATE: We added creature type, simplified size, and removed alignment and age from racial traits to keep in line with the most recent official Fifth Edition releases. We moved the size and age information into the lore paragraphs. As we get closer to our final release, we'll work to keep our formatting of racial traits as close to official sources as possible.
Chapter IV - Player Options
GUNSLINGER - Speargunner (NEW): This gunslinger archetype lets you use a speargun in inventive ways to foil enemies. You'll get to have fun with harpoons, nets, poison, sonar, and more. We also added a reprint of the base gunslinger class with a focus on using spearguns underwater to support this subclass or any gunslinger who wants to dive under the seas.
BARBARIAN - Path of the Wild Seas (Updated): Based on your feedback and our own review, we tweaked or rewrote nearly all of the features of this subclass. The subclass is still focused on being a barbarian that is also good at ranged attacks... but now hits harder and is a better hunter too. Also, we added a Dragon Turtle to the Primal Connection feature and improved the Giant Squid, Orca, and Swordfish.
FIGHTER - Warden of the Ancients (NEW): This martial tradition has been preserved among surviving descendants of the once-great Ancients and rediscovered by those who have delved into the ruins they left behind. This archetype lets players shift between predator and sentinel using ancient battle techniques.
SORCERER - Ancient Magic Sorcerer (NEW): Players who select this sorcerous origin can channel technology-like magic through an arcane device. The origin of this power could be anything, from ancestry to chance.
CAMPAIGNBONDS(NEW): We added a d12 Under the Seas of Vodari specific bonds table for character creation.
FEATS(NEW): We renamed a couple of the feats and added a new feat called Amphibious Ancestry, which allows surface people to join undersea adventures.
Both of these chapters have been sent out to Early Access backers as a PDF and everyone else will see this content in the final book. If anyone would like to upgrade their pledge to gain Early Access, please email [email protected].
If you haven't completed our feedback survey, please try to take a few moments as it will be available until the end of the month. Written comments with specific feedback are most appreciated. Thanks.
Under the Seas of Vodari Feedback Survey
almost 4 years ago
– Tue, May 11, 2021 at 10:40:57 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit Kickstarter.com and log in to read.
Under the Seas Update and Seas of Vodari Back in Stock
almost 4 years ago
– Sun, May 02, 2021 at 08:36:06 PM
Under the Seas of Vodari Update
Development has been completed for the following stretch goal content:
Ancients Race (Dakri and Varu subraces). Descended from near-divine beings who constructed a highly advanced civilization using magic. War and eons of living in vastly different oceanic zones split the ancients into two people, the Dakri and Varu.
Speargunner Gunslinger Archetype. Use your speargun in inventive ways to foil enemies.
Warden of the Ancients Fighter Archetype. Shift between predator and sentinel using ancient battle techniques.
Ancient Magic Sorcerer. Channel technology-like magic through an arcane device.
Corruption in the Flame Warlock. Devastate your enemies with fire and necrotic energy.
and additional spells and magic items
This new content will be sent to early access backers later this month in PDF format.
With most of our player options completed, we are moving our focus to the following content in May.
The history and religion of the undersea people
Undersea vehicles and modifications
Adding content to the gazetteer, providing even more locations, NPCs, hooks, and more.
Additional monsters from the Sunlit Seas down to the Midnight Depths
Gamemaster content such as hazards, random tables, and The Sunken City of Zuroth adventure
We'll be sending out a feedbacksurvey to all backers this month for your feedback on the content in the Quickstart Guide. Your participation is appreciated and will allow us to make tweaks and deliver a better final book than we could without your help.
The Seas of Vodari is Back in Stock
We have ordered more copies of The Seas of Vodari from our printer and the book is back in stock again! If you didn't get a chance to add this hardcover book to your order, there are two ways to still get it.
2) Email us at [email protected] and we'll update your backer survey in Backerkit to include the book in your order and ship it to you when we ship Under the Seas of Vodari. Your credit card will only be charged the extra amount after we contact you to let you know the extra cost and we get your approval. If you have not completed your survey yet, it will still be unlocked and you should be able to select The Seas of Vodari as an add-on.
Under the Seas of Vodari Quickstart - Files Sent
almost 4 years ago
– Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 11:54:01 AM
Ahoy Backers!
Quickstart Guide Sent
We have sent out the following digital rewards to all Under the Seas of Vodari Kickstarter backers:
Under the Seas of Vodari - Quickstart Guide PDF v0.3
Under the Seas of Vodari -Digital World Map v1
Heros of the Wind & Waves (I & II) Backers
In addition, Heros of the Wind & Waves backers have been sent out the following files:
The Seas of Vodari PDF
The Seas of Vodari PDF (Low Ink)
The Seas of Vodari -Errata
TheSeas of Vodari -Digital Character Art & Tokens Pack
TheSeas of Vodari -Character Sheets
TheSeas of Vodari -Ship character sheets
TheSeas of Vodari -Pregen Character
TheSeas of Vodari - Digital World Map
Please don't forget to follow us on social media and join our Discord server. That way you'll never miss out on art previews and other updates (between our regular updates we'll send via Kickstarter).
Surveys Sent & Quickstart Guide Coming Soon!
almost 4 years ago
– Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 05:53:02 AM
Ahoy Backers!
Here are some quick updates on this Kickstarter:
Backer surveys have been sent out to all backers via Backerkit. Please check your spam folder or contact us if you have not received a survey. Surveys were sent to your Kickstarter account email.
When you complete your survey, you will have a chance to pick-up digital and physical add-ons and upgrade to a higher pledge level (Hero of the Wind & Waves excluded).
Please make sure to complete your backer survey as soon as you can (if you haven't already). We're going to send out the rewards below to backers who have completed their survey.
The Seas of Vodari Hardcover Sold Out
We are sold out of The Seas of Vodari hardcovers. If there is enough interest, we will reprint the book. If you are interested in seeing this book reprinted, please complete this survey. The more surveys we receive, the more likely a reprint will be.
By the end of March 2021, we expect to send out the following digital rewards to backers who have completed their backer survey.
All Backers
Under the Seas of Vodari - Quickstart Guide PDF v0.3
Under the Seas of Vodari Digital World Map v1
Heros of the Wind & Waves (I & II) Backers Only
The Seas of Vodari PDF v1.4
Seas of Vodari Digital Map Pack
Seas of Vodari Digital Character Art & Tokens Pack
All other Seas of Vodari digital rewards including character sheets, ship character sheets, and pregen characters
Please don't forget to follow us on social media and join our Discord server. That way you'll never miss out on art previews and other updates (between our regular updates we'll send via Kickstarter).