Shipping Update 2
over 1 year ago
– Thu, May 25, 2023 at 09:45:07 AM
Thank you for your patience as we work to fulfill all of your physical rewards. Shipping began in April 2023 but we had to pause operations for a few weeks while I dealt with my mother's death and buying/selling a home. I apologize for the recent lack of communication.
The good news is that shipping has been back up to full speed now for two weeks and we expect to be 99% done shipping by mid June 2023.
- We are generally shipping the highest tier orders first.
- We expect to have most Twilight Hunter or higher backer tiers shipped and on the way by the end of May 2023.
- Sunlit Seas Swimmer and pre-order backers will ship June 2023.
Some quick shipping stats:
- 266 packages delivered / on their way
- 421 orders are packed and waiting to ship
- 31 orders are incomplete (see below)
Shipping Notifications
Our main shipping partner is providing tracking numbers for all shipments, but sending tracking info to receiver emails is not automated. Therefore, we're manually adding tracking info to those orders in Backerkit. If you can't find your tracking info, please email [email protected] and we can provide a tracker or let you know the status of your order. Also, we're working to streamline this process and make it easier for all backers to clearly know the status of their shipment.
Incomplete Orders
There are still 31 backers that we can't fulfill due to the following reasons:
- Postage unpaid
- Failure to complete backer survey
- Out of date email address
- Missing/Incomplete Address
If you think you might be one of these orders, please check your email junk for a Backerkit survey or an email from [email protected].
Rewards Fulfillment Update
Digital Rewards - Fulfilled
- Undersea World Map
- Under the Seas of Vodari Quickstart
- Undersea Character Sheets
- Undersea Digital Character Art & Tokens
- Undersea Digital Map Pack
- Undersea Pre-Gen Character Sheets
- Under the Seas of Vodari (PDF and low-ink PDF) v1.1
- Hero's Guide to Vodari v1.2 (PDF)
Physical Rewards - Currently Shipping
- Under the Seas of Vodari Hardcover
- The Seas of Vodari Hardcover
- World Maps, Posters, Stickers, and Thank You Cards
In Development
- The Hunt for the Undine - Stretch Goal Adventure (PDF)
Shipping Update
almost 2 years ago
– Thu, Apr 06, 2023 at 09:16:57 PM
Hardcover Books Have Arrived
Good news! Our entire hardcover print order arrived at our warehouse today.
Our next step is to print packing slips and start packing orders.
Most of you should receive a notification for your package when it goes out. We'll let everyone know when the first group of orders start shipping.
Incomplete Orders
There are 31 backers that we can't send out orders for due to the following reasons:
- Postage unpaid
- Failure to complete backer survey
- Out of date email address
- Missing/Incomplete Address
We're in the process of reaching out to each of these 31 backers. If you receive an email from us or a Backerkit survey, please respond ASAP.
For any concerns related to your order please email [email protected].
Rewards Fulfillment Update
Digital Rewards - Fulfilled
- Undersea World Map
- Under the Seas of Vodari Quickstart
- Undersea Character Sheets
- Undersea Digital Character Art & Tokens
- Undersea Digital Map Pack
- Undersea Pre-Gen Character Sheets
- Under the Seas of Vodari (PDF and low-ink PDF) v1.1
- Hero's Guide to Vodari v1.2 (PDF)
Physical Rewards - Shipping Begins April 2023
- Under the Seas of Vodari Hardcover
- The Seas of Vodari Hardcover
- World Maps, Posters, Stickers, and Thank You Cards
In Development
- The Hunt for the Undine - Stretch Goal Adventure (PDF)
March 2023 Update
almost 2 years ago
– Wed, Mar 15, 2023 at 05:06:11 PM
Printing Update & Shipping
Under the Seas of Vodari is currently printing and is scheduled to ship to our warehouse on March 30, 2023.
- We will begin packing and shipping physical rewards April 2023.
Vodari Voyages Patreon
We'd love to continue providing new and exciting material for the Vodari setting. Visit our Patreon waitlist page and sign-up to be notified when our Patreon launches later this spring.
Each issue of Vodari Voyages will include a mix of the following content:
- player options (subclasses, backgrounds, feats, spells, etc.)
- encounter scenarios and short adventures
- magic items and treasure
- monster and NPC descriptions and stat blocks
- vehicles and crews
- rules and advice for gamemasters
- expanded details for existing settlements and locations
- new locations to visit (undiscovered islands, undersea ruins, etc.)
Rewards Fulfillment Update
Digital Rewards - Fulfilled
- Undersea World Map
- Under the Seas of Vodari Quickstart
- Undersea Character Sheets
- Undersea Digital Character Art & Tokens
- Undersea Digital Map Pack
- Undersea Pre-Gen Character Sheets
- Under the Seas of Vodari (PDF and low-ink PDF) v1.1
- Hero's Guide to Vodari v1.2 (PDF)
Physical Rewards - Shipping Begins April 2023
- The Seas of Vodari Hardcover
- World Maps, Posters, Stickers, and Thank You Cards
- Under the Seas of Vodari Hardcover
In Development
- The Hunt for the Undine - Stretch Goal Adventure (PDF)
February 2023 Update
almost 2 years ago
– Wed, Feb 15, 2023 at 05:18:57 PM
Thank you for your patience while we delayed our print order due to the OGL issues in January. Your support for all third party developers of Fifth Edition content is much appreciated. The good news is we're in the home stretch!
Printing & Shipping Update
- Our files for Under the Seas of Vodari are with our printer.
- The printed hardcover books are scheduled to arrive in our warehouse in late March 2023.
- All of the other printed rewards are already printed and in our warehouse.
- Packing and shipping is scheduled to begin in late March/Early April 2023.
- If there are any delays or issues, we will let everyone know in our next Kickstarter update.
Note: The files sent to the printer are using the Creative Commons license to access Fifth Edition SRD content. We are no longer using the OGL 1.0a.
Rewards Fulfillment Update
We have fulfilled the following digital rewards:
- Undersea World Map
- Under the Seas of Vodari Quickstart
- Undersea Character Sheets
- Undersea Digital Character Art & Tokens
- Undersea Digital Map Pack
- Undersea Pre-Gen Character Sheets
- Under the Seas of Vodari (PDF and low-ink PDF) v1.1
- Hero's Guide to Vodari v1.2 (PDF)
Printing Completed:
- The Seas of Vodari Hardcover
- World Maps, Posters, Stickers, and Thank You Cards
Printing Underway:
- Under the Seas of Vodari Hardcover
In Development:
- The Hunt for the Undine - Stretch Goal Adventure (PDF)
Vodari Newsletter
If you'd like to keep up to date on future Vodari publications after this Kickstarter is fulfilled, make sure to sign-up for our newsletter. Each month we'll let you know about any Vodari related news such as Patreon releases, blog posts, new PDF/Virtual Tabletop (VTT) products, and future crowdfunding projects.
January 2023 Update
about 2 years ago
– Sun, Jan 15, 2023 at 10:22:12 PM
Open Gaming License
Initially released in 2000 by Wizards of the Coast (WotC), the Open Gaming License (OGL) is a legal framework that allows creators to use the rules and ideas of roleplaying games in their own works. The OGL 1.0a has become a pillar of the tabletop gaming industry and allowed third-parties creators to help make 5th Edition the most successful version of D&D ever. It has recently come to light that WotC/Hasbro wants to replace the OGL with a version that will make it much harder for third-party developers to release content for D&D (such as the Seas of Vodari campaign setting). This change has been widely unpopular in the TTRPG community, and WotC has delayed releasing its latest version of the new OGL due to incredibly heavy pushback. In addition, Paizo and other third-party publishers have banded together to create the Open RPG Creative License (ORC). Finally, there have been announcements by Kobold Press, MCDM, and others about creating their own RPG systems. We stand with our community of players and third-party creators against the actions by WotC/Hasbro to make our hobby less inclusive, diverse, and open.
The Impact of the OGL on Vodari
Until the new OGL is released, none of us know for certain how published books and future publications will be impacted by a potential new OGL license. But here is where we currently sit:
- As the OGL controversy progresses, we have become confident that a book that is already published, such as The Seas of Vodari (2020) or Under the Seas of Vodari (2022), will not be impacted by a new OGL.
- We have delayed sending our order to our local printer. While we want to get this book to the printer, we believe it is prudent to hold off our hardcover print run just a little longer so that we're able to see an updated version of the OGL from WotC. We still expect to send our order to the printer this month and begin shipping later in Q1 2023.
- We are continuing to develop The Hunt for the Undine, our stretch goal adventure. What exactly will be allowed for publication by WotC is up in the air. Whatever happens, we'll release an adventure that's as compatible with 5th Edition rules as allowed.
- Once the Kickstarter is fulfilled, we plan to continue to support the Vodari campaign setting via Patreon, online bookstores, VTTs, and even future Kickstarter campaigns. Exactly what the future holds will take shape once the OGL dust has settled. We love creating content for Vodari and want to keep working to support your games above and below the waves.
Rewards Update
- Undersea World Map
- Under the Seas of Vodari Quickstart
- Undersea Character Sheets
- Hero's Guide to Vodari v1.2
- Under the Seas of Vodari (PDF) v1.0
- Undersea Digital Character Art & Tokens
- Undersea Digital Map Pack
- Undersea Pre-Gen Character Sheets
- Under the Seas of Vodari (PDF) v1.1
Q1 2023
- Stretch Goal Adventure (PDF)
- Shipping of hardcover books, maps, posters, and other physical rewards
Typos / Errors
If you have noticed any typos or errors while reading v1.0 of Under the Seas of Vodari, please send an email with details to [email protected] or provide a comment below as soon as you can. When v1.1 of Under the Seas of Vodari is released this week, it will contain a number of typo/formatting fixes and some minor tweaks we decided to make while rereading the book. If you catch something we missed, we'll make sure to get the fix into v1.1.