
Under the Seas of Vodari - Aquatic Adventuring for 5e

Created by Tribality Publishing

Dive into a world full of action and adventure set beneath the waves of Vodari or your own 5th Edition campaign world.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

November 2022 Update
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Nov 16, 2022 at 01:29:57 AM

Aetioth the Hunter closes in on a target

We're closing in on the end of this Kickstarter! Thanks for your patience.

  • Last month, all chapters for Under the Seas of Vodari were handed to our layout team. 
  • All maps and art are complete and have been placed into our rough documents. 
  • We're still on track to deliver the Under the Seas of Vodari PDF v1.0 to all backers by late November 2022
  • I decided to keep all of us focused on the book, so some of the other digital rewards have moved from Late October 2022 to Late November 2022.


Complete and Distributed 

  • Undersea World Map
  • Under the Seas of Vodari Quickstart
  • Undersea Character Sheets
  • Hero's Guide to Vodari v1.2

Late November 2022 

  • Undersea Pre-Gen Character Sheets
  • Undersea Digital Character Art & Tokens
  • Digital Map Pack
  • Under the Seas of Vodari (PDF) v1.0

Q1 2023 

  • Stretch Goal Adventure (PDF) - see What's Next section below


I just talked to our local Canadian printer. I'm working with the printer to finalize our updated quote (prices have gone up a bit since we first quotes before our Kickstarter), set our print window, and set a delivery date for when the books will arrive in our warehouse. When I have these dates, I will send out a special update. We're using the same printer as we used for The Seas of Vodari, so we have a pretty good idea of what our timelines will look like. 

Here is our current estimate on timelines, which I will update as we get more information or anything changes.


  • Under the Seas of Vodari PDF v1.0 sent out to all backers (late November)

December 2022

  • Collect feedback and make revisions (typos, errata)
  • Under the Seas of Vodari PDF v1.1 sent out to all backers
  • Under the Seas of Vodari PDF v1.1 sent to the printer

January 2023

  • Prepress and approvals
  • Print run

February 2023

  • Delivery to our warehouse
  • Shipping begins

All of the other physical rewards (maps, stickers, and postcards) have already been printed and are in our warehouse.


Stretch Goal Adventure

Now that our writing team is done with Under the Seas of Vodari, we've moved to outlining and writing the stretch goal that was unlocked at $85k. This new adventure will take PCs on a voyage above and below the waves. I'm hoping to be able to share more details in our next update. All backers will receive this adventure at no cost in PDF format.

Vodari Voyages

Once the "Stretch Goal Adventure" is complete, we're planning to start releasing new content for the Vodari campaign setting. We're looking at releasing content on a regular basis (monthly/quarterly) via Patreon (or a series of short Kickstarters).

We're looking at providing content such as:

  • player options (subclasses, backgrounds, feats, spells, etc.)
  • a short adventure
  • magic items and other treasure
  • NPCs and monsters with stat blocks and tokens
  • vehicles and crews
  • rules and advice for gamemasters
  • expanded details for existing settlements (maps, locations, NPCs, etc.)
  • locations to visit (undersea ruins, undiscovered islands, etc.)
  • new artwork

Early Access - PDFs Sent for All Chapters
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Oct 22, 2022 at 04:58:17 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

October 2022 Update
almost 2 years ago – Sun, Oct 16, 2022 at 07:26:07 AM

All chapters for Under the Seas of Vodari have been handed to our layout team. We're now focused on completing the remaining digital rewards and distributing them to our backers.


Here's an update on all of the remaining digital rewards for this Kickstarter campaign and our expected distribution date for each.

  • Undersea Pre-Gen Character Sheets - Late October 2022 
  • Undersea Digital Character Art & Tokens - Late October 2022 
  • Digital Map Pack - Late October 2022 
  • Hero's Guide to Vodari v1.2  - Late October 2022 / Early November 2022 
  • Under the Seas of Vodari (PDF) v1.0 - Late November 2022 
  • Stretch Goal Adventure (PDF) - Q1 2023 
Two karokans fighting in the deeps


Once we get the digital (PDF) version 1.0 of Under the Seas of Vodari out to everyone, we'll focus on completing any edits related to typos and feedback. Then we'll send version 1.1 out to everyone and to our printer. We expect to begin shipping all physical rewards in Q1 2023 and will have an exact date once we send v1.1 of the book to the printer.

Map preview from the Sunken City of Zuroth adventure


We expect to send a zip file containing a rough (non-layout) copy of every chapter of the book sometime next week to early access backers. Please note: early access backers are Midnight Depths Diver (CA$95) backers and above.

Map preview of Vonnahr Deep

 What's Next

Once we have distributed all of our digital rewards (see above), we're planning to start releasing new content for the Vodari campaign setting. We're looking at releasing content on a regular basis (monthly/quarterly) that could include any of the following:

  • encounter scenarios or short adventures
  • NPCs and monsters 
  • magic items and other treasure
  • player options (subclasses, backgrounds, feats, spells, etc.)
  • vehicles and crews
  • rules and advice for gamemasters
  • expanded details for existing settlements (maps, locations, NPCs, etc.)
  • locations to visit (undersea ruins, undiscovered islands, etc.)

We're also deciding on which format is best format for distributing this new content to everyone. The options we're looking at are Patreon, digital bookstores (DTRPG, Tribality Store), or even short Kickstarter campaigns.

Let us know what new content you'd like to see released for the Vodari campaign setting.

September 2022 Update
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Sep 15, 2022 at 03:46:58 PM

Under the Seas of Vodari

Thank you for your patience as we close in on finalizing our book. We expect to clear these remaining items by early October 2022 (or sooner):

  • 2 city maps
  • Artwork for 5 NPCs
  • Dungeon map for starter adventure
  • Monster Lists (by Creature Type and by Challenge Rating) for Appendix

We're really excited to be in the homestretch and looking forward to moving into final layout for our remaining chapters.


We expect to distribute the following digital reward in October 2022:

  • Undersea Pre-Gen Character Sheets
  • Undersea Digital Character Art & Tokens
  • Digital Map Pack


Once we get the digital (PDF) version 1.0 of Under the Seas of Vodari out to everyone, we'll focus on minor edits and getting the version 1.1 PDF to the printer. Expect additional details on this in our October update and an estimated ship date for all physical rewards.


We expect to send a zip with a rough copy of every chapter of the book by early October to early access backers. Early access backers are Midnight Depths Diver (CA$95) backers and above.

Hero's Guide to Vodari v1.2

Thank you everyone who provided feedback on this PDF. We'll be making some minor updates and fixes. We'll send this update out in October 2022.

August 2022 Update
about 2 years ago – Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 01:50:52 AM

Under the Seas of Vodari

We're currently working on the following to complete the book:

  • remaining city maps (6/10 complete)
  • remaining artwork for NPCs and other small images (approximately 10 pieces remaining)
  • remaining maps for adventure (1/3 complete)
  • an additional full page illustration we just decided to add
  • edits and rewrites to the chapters that are waiting for art
  • Appendices (50% complete)

We're really excited to finally be in the homestretch and hope to be able to provide details on distribution and printing once we get the last two chapters to layout in our next update.


  • Island Gazetteer - sent
  • Undersea Gazetteer - sent
  • Undersea Pre-Gen Character Sheets - 75% complete

Hero's Guide to Vodari v1.1 Feedback

Thank you everyone who provided feedback on this PDF. If you still want to complete a survey, it is still open and can be completed by visiting the link below: